Surf Coast Distinctive Area and Landscape project - survey.
As well as the workshop to be held in Torquay on 25th November, DWELP has released a survey as part of the consultation process for the Statement of Planning Policy .
The statement of Planning Policy will influence the Surf Coast Shire Planning Scheme and will among other things determine Town Boundaries and Building Heights.
3228RA doesn’t believe that enough consultation has been allowed for. The only workshop is during business hours which excludes most working people and the survey closes on 1st November.
We also have some concerns about the survey questions and have the following comments to make -
“Draft Vision
These results helped us draft this 50-year vision statement:
The Surf Coast declared area is a celebrated area of Victoria, known for its picturesque landscapes and pristine beaches.
The distinct landscapes of Point Addis, Bells Beach, the surrounding coastline and hinterlands are treasured and protected landscapes, enhanced by the natural backdrop of the Otway Ranges. The open rural areas between settlements are safeguarded to maintain the important views across the landscape and sense of openness.
Our comment - What is meant by ‘the surrounding coastline’ - does it include Torquay/Jan Juc coastline?
What does safeguarded mean? Is it the same as protected?
“There is a need to protect existing and create new vantage points for all to see the valued landscapes of the Surf Coast.
Our comment - This is a 2 part statement - protect existing and create new vantage points – no opportunity to say yes to part 1 and no to part 2. Where are they expecting new vantage points are needed? “for all to see” – no one is excluded from seeing now??
“New urban development and infrastructure should be designed to fit in with the existing landscape features of the Surf Coast.
Our comment - How? Where are they referring to?
“Planning should help to conserve and enhance areas with identified geological or landscape value by increasing efforts towards protecting the cultural heritage values they support.
Our comment - What does this mean?
“Do you have any other suggestions that could help achieve the draft vision?
Our comment – no new infrastructure at Pt Addis or Bells unless relacing existing facilities; no new infrastructure on the Torquay/ Jan Juc coastline; no concrete; building heights to be maintained (and enforceable) as they currently are in the SCS Planning Scheme.
“Section 2: Environment and Biodiversity
You said that you value native vegetation and areas that create homes for threatened species. You also said that the natural environment is what is most attractive about the Surf Coast and this should be maintained and enhanced.
Draft Vision
This feedback helped us draft this 50-year vision statement: Creeks, wetlands, saltmarshes, woodlands and beaches in the declared area provide habitat for rare flora and fauna like the Bellarine Yellow Gum, Orange Bellied Parrot and Hooded Plover. Areas of remnant vegetation, along road ways and across the hinterland, are not only protected but are also increasing.
The Point Addis Marine National Park, Point Danger Marine Sanctuary and coastal reserves provide a home for a variety of aquatic life for locals and visitors to enjoy.
6. Do you have any suggestions for how this could be improved? Is anything missing?
Our comment - No new residential development in areas where rare fauna and flora have been identified eg west of Duffileds.
“Ensure development provides a buffer for sensitive wetlands, creeks and sites of significant biodiversity. –
Our comment - does this mean“it is ok to develop as long as there are buffers”
Section 3: Risk and Resilience
You identified the impact of climate change as a threat and area of concern for the future. This included concerns about extreme weather events, erosion, bushfire and sea level rise.
Draft Vision
This feedback helped us draft this 50-year vision statement:
The significant features of the declared area, such as the beaches and natural landscapes, are conserved and enhanced and impacts from coastal erosion, sea level rise, bushfire and extreme weather events are minimised. Settlement areas are planned to reduce risks and respond appropriately to climate change impacts.
Work is undertaken in conjunction with government agencies to maintain and enhance the natural landscape and ensure the ecological and biodiversity characteristics of the area remain.
Our comments - – what does enhance mean? No man made structures should be used to mitigate rising sea levels.
New developments or land uses in areas at high risk of bushfire or coastal erosion are avoided.
Our comment - New developments at high risk should be prohibited – not just avoided.
Section 5: Post-Contact Heritage
You said that you value sites like Bells Beach and the Great Ocean Road as well as the area’s connection to leisure and relaxation and surfing culture.
Draft Vision
This feedback helped us draft this 50-year vision statement:
There continues to be a strong surfing and associated leisure culture that is internationally renowned. The declared area’s history as the gateway to the Great Ocean Road and as an important shipping lane with numerous shipwrecks also contributes to the community’s identity and sense of place.
Consider the impact of buildings and works on heritage places and ensure that the distinct cultural, aesthetic and landscape values are being conserved and enhanced by bearing in mind the impact on significant views from and to heritage places.
Our comment - who determines what are “heritage places”; the impact of buildings and works on all existing places should always be considered.
24. Do you have any other suggestions that could help achieve the draft vision?
Our comment - It is essential to maintain low rise buildings throughout Torquay/Jan Juc, along the GOR and the hinterland so they are not visually imposing. Current building heights (SCS planning scheme) should be maintained.
Section 6: Economy and infrastructure
You said that you value the agriculture industry and a sustainable tourism economy which focuses on surfing, ecotourism and local retail. You also value economic prosperity which provides opportunities for young people.
In addition to this, strategic infrastructure, such as the Great Ocean Road, Surf Coast
Highway and the Armstrong Creek Transit corridor to Torquay, will be critical for maintaining a high standard of amenity and ensuring the success of the local economy.
Draft Vision
This feedback helped us draft this 50-year vision statement:
The Surf Coast has a thriving tourism industry that prioritises the sustainable management of the area’s distinctive cultural heritage, environments and landscapes, and recognises the management of the Wadawurrung People. Agriculture, retail and extractive industries continue to support the regional economy in a managed and sustainable way.
Existing infrastructure is improved and opportunities for future infrastructure, such as the Armstrong Creek Transit corridor to Torquay, are supported to facilitate economic growth in the region.
Our comments- There has been no previous mention of extractive industries – what/where are they? There has also been no previous mention of a transit corridor or no explanation as to why it is necessary for economic growth. What is their definition of “sustainable”?
Extractive industries should be prohibited in the declared area.
Economic well being does not depend on the transit corridor. Any transit corridor could be for separate bike path and one for electric buses to the station proposed at Armstrong Creek. The cost of bringing a train to Torquay is prohibitive.
27. A sustainable visitation management strategy for the region will facilitate a strong tourism economy that is respectful of the cultural heritage, environmental and landscape features of the area.
Our comments - What is a sustainable visitation management strategy? What does sustainable mean? What about being respectful of the residents?
Section 7: Settlement
Regarding townships in the declared area, you value the beachy, coastal, laid-back and small town feel of the settlements. You value development that is low rise, and complementary of the surrounding environment. You also said that you like the ease of access to services and the availability of amenities.
Draft Vision
This feedback helped us draft this 50-year vision statement:
Torquay-Jan Juc is a thriving coastal settlement that provides residents with access to a diversity of services, amenities and jobs. It supports a relaxed coastal lifestyle for its residents, visitors and people living and working within the region. All settlements have their own distinct character.
Our comments - Are they referring to Torquay, Jan Juc , Bellbrae, Bells or do they mean separate areas within Torquay? Not explianed properly
31. Clarifying the preferred locations for future growth and implementing settlement boundaries will ease pressure on the environmental, cultural heritage and natural resource values, while providing greater certainty for residents and businesses.
Opportunities for infill development within the boundary of existing townships should be encouraged ahead of developing further greenfield land.
Our comment - do most people understand what this might look like? Higher densities? Multi storey developments? Needs better explanation.
New urban development and infrastructure should be designed to fit in with the unique coastal character and history of townships and their natural settings, including foreshore areas and biodiversity corridors. Comments - This would necessitate a restriction on building heights to those designated in the SCS Planning Scheme and further restrictions on tree removal.
Defining the roles, functions and identities of each township, and sub-precincts within Torquay-Jan Juc, will help settlements to thrive by supporting the local economy, encouraging jobs growth and meeting the needs of residents and workers.
Comment - What does this mean and how will effect current residents?
Defining an urban-to-rural transition area within the boundary of townships would help protect and enhance environmental, cultural heritage, landscape and natural resource values, and reduce bushfire risks.
Comment - How will larger lots achieve this? It won’t reduce bush fire risk? Depends where the boundaries are?
Mandating that development be not located on ridge lines would better protect existing vantage points and view lines of hills and environmental values.
Comments - This says “on ridge lines” - does this mean development could be over the other side of ‘the ridge line”? are they talking about a specific ridge line (as in the northern ridgeline in Torquay) or any ridgeline? There is talk of a station and or hospital on the Anco farmland which has always been rejected for development by council because of the ridge line.
Increasing building heights in defined locations would help strengthen the economic performance of townships and help curb the need for increased greenfield growth.
Comment - How will it strengthen economic performance? Building heights should be kept at current levels and made obligatory not preferred. Will“curb the need” but not stop greenfield growth. Seems like they want both.