$22 million development on the corner of Surf Coast Highway and Grossmans Rd (85 Geelong Rd)

Graphic of proposed development.

85 geelong.JPG

Some people are excited about having a KFC in town but spare a thought for the residents who have to live with this development as their neighbour.

After seeking an amendment to the Surf Coast Shire Planning Scheme in 2016, that would allow a service station on the site on the corner of Grossmans Rd and Surf Coast Highway, a Planning Application for development by the Liuzzi Group is now being advertised. The amendment to Schedule 5 to the Special Use Zone (SUZ 5) includes Precinct T1 (only Lot 3 of LP213066W) in the list of precincts where a planning permit application can be made for the use of the land for a service station. The site is also subject to a design and Development Overlay.

Prior to the amendment being granted, the Surf Coast Shire supported the amendment despite the objections of nearby residents, including the Lion’s Village retirement homes that adjoin the property.

3228RA objected to the inclusion of a service station in the allowed uses for this site on the basis it was too close to residents. Because of the high volatility of substances in a petrol station, there is always a risk of a fire and/or an explosion. With a child care facility only metres from the petrol station it is surprising that this could be considered suitable.

Also, the entry/exit on Grossmans Rd would place children going to and from the 2 schools in Grossmans Rd in danger requiring extra monitoring.

Other issues identified as incompatible with the residential setting was noise and light pollution. This is now a real threat with the the proposed 7/11 petrol station, the convenience restaurants and the medical centre operating 24 hours a day and the Cinema until 11.00pm according to the Acoustic Assessment Report provided by the proponent. The numerous waste collections, 21 per week covering all uses, will also cause more noise.

Large Illuminated signage will affect those in the neighbouring streets and across the road from the proposal.

Schedule 5 to the Special Use Zone says “A use must not detrimentally affect the amenity of the neighbourhood, including through the: § Transport of materials, goods or commodities to or from the land. § Appearance of any building, works or materials. § Emission of noise, artificial light, vibration, smell, fumes, smoke, vapour, steam, soot, ash, dust, waste water, waste products, grit or oil.” Not sure this proposal complies.

Objections to the proposal close on 22nd August. The related documentation can be viewed on the surf Coast Shire website on their e-planning portal - https://eplanning.surfcoast.vic.gov.au/Account/Login.aspx?ReturnUrl=%2fSecure%2fContent%2fEPlanning%2fUserHome.aspx

Phone Surf Coast Shire for more info - (03) 5261 0600 or 1300 610 600

Email submissions to :planningapps@surfcoast.vic.gov.au