Statement of Planning Policy for Surf Coast Declared Area now available for comment.
Declared Area.
This is Option 2 which brings the town Boundary back to Duffields Rd. - We choose Option 2. It also shows where the other Town Boundaries will be.
Both options show areas of Substantional Change, Incremental Change and Minimal Change in Torquay and Jan Juc.
To help understand how this might affect where you live, here is a brief summary of what those terms mean:
Substantial Change - The areas of Substantial change are shown in purple and include Zeally Bay Rd through to Anderson St and parts of the Surf Coast Hwy. What is being proposed is a mandatory, maximum building height of 3 storeys and 11 metres.
“Proposal for the draft Surf Coast SPP
Proposal 11: That a core residential consolidation area be provided for the area surrounding the Torquay Town Centre (generally fronting Zeally Bay Road, Anderson Street, the Surf Coast Highway and The Esplanade), and that it be identified as a substantial change area.
Proposed implementation action Action 13: That once the Surf Coast SPP is approved, existing planning provisions applying to Central Torquay be amended to provide: • a mandatory maximum building height of three storeys and 11 m • reduced building site coverage • new landscaping provisions to increase permeability and maintain the area’s landscape character.”
Incremental Change - medium purple area on the map including the rest of the Esplanade and most of the balance of Torquay/Jan Juc :
The Esplanade -” Proposed implementation action Action 15: That once the Surf Coast SPP is approved, existing planning provisions applying to The Esplanade be amended to provide: • a mandatory maximum building height of two storeys or 9 m • a preferred maximum building height of two storeys and 7.5 m • consistent private open space requirements
Most of the balance of Torquay/Jan Juc - “These areas should be rezoned to Neighbourhood Residential Zone —with a maximum building height of 9 m (two storeys) and retaining the existing Design and Development Overlays with a preferred building height of 7.5 m. Including additional private open space provisions in the Neighbourhood Residential Zone schedule can also be considered, so that they apply to developments that do not trigger a planning permit under the relevant Design and Development Overlay.
Minimal Change: light purple area - Proposal for the draft Surf Coast SPP Proposal 18: That the Strathmore Drive area be identified as a minimal change area.
Remaining low-density residential areas There are some low-density residential areas on the fringes of Torquay–Jan Juc in a Low Density Residential Zone and they should remain so.
For more technical information and information on making a submission go the the engage vic website -