VCAT decision for 42 The Esplanade

As a party to the procedeedings, this afternoon we received the order from VCAT in relation to the Planning Application for a 4th storey to be added to the already approved 3 storey application at 42 The Esplanade.

VCAT has ruled that the 4th storey was not an acceptable design outcome consistent with the surf Coast Shire Planning Scheme and should NOT proceed.

Point 24 "Having regard to the SUZ, DDO6 and the contextual analysis, I am not

persuaded that a fourth storey on this site achieves the DDO6 design

objectives of creating a casual and relaxed built form that reinforces the

general modest, human scale. The fourth storey will be prominent. The

fourth storey does not result in a greater diversity of land use on this site as

the residential apartments remain and the same number of apartments

remain as a result of this proposed change. The proposed fourth storey is

not an acceptable design response."